Adventure: The Coorg Way

The beautiful district of Coorg is most famous for its pleasant climate, lush landscapes and scrumptious food. The destination is often on the top list of honeymoon couples and city dwellers seeking respite from the hustle of city life. But, the tranquil region of Coorg is slowly transforming itself into an adventure lover’s paradise. A wide range of thrilling and adrenaline-inducing activities in Coorg make the district an ideal tourist destination.

Check out our top 5 picks of adventure activities you must try during your visit to this magical region.

amanvana rafting


A lesser known fact about Coorg is the ideal conditions it provides for indulging in white water rafting. This popular adventure sport is now gaining momentum in India and the region of Coorg is one of the best places to try your tryst with adventure. Gushing waters and strong winds make the ideal concoction for you to enjoy an unforgettable rafting experience. Tourists can head to Ponya Devarakad – the central base camp from where rafting expeditions commence. If you are a novice and unsure of where to begin, then fret not, a team of experienced rafters and safety instructors are present to alleviate all your fears.

Get your safety gear in place and your friends by your side and plunge into the heart of adventure in Coorg.

amanvana fishing


If fishing sounds less like a sport & more like a leisure activity to you, then think again! In Coorg, the act of fishing is redefined and has now become synonymous with adventure. Tourists who wish to indulge in a novel experience should try fishing and angling in Coorg. The Valnoor Fishing Camp is a must visit for fishing enthusiasts and curious travelers. The waters surrounding the camp are abundant in mahseer, eel and catfish, and the best time to test your fishing skills is during the early hours of the morning. Make sure you carry basic fishing gear and procure a license that enables you to fish without facing any hassles. Share a word with local fishermen and gain some hands-on advice on the best fishing practices.

This unique activity may not be your idea of adventure, but head to Coorg and you are bound to change your mind. 

amanvana Kayaking


Coorg is a land of gushing waterfalls and abundant rivers, making the waters one of the best in India for Kayaking and Canoeing. Large numbers of tourists head to Coorg to experience the unique magic of Kayaking. Boat rides and pedal boats are now considered passé, and millennial travelers are slowly warming to the idea of navigating their own routes through these waters. Kayaking instructors will give you detailed briefs and guide you through your Kayaking journey.

So grab your oars and jump into your colorful Kayaks and Canoes, to experience a mesmerizing experience of navigating through mother nature.

amanvana trecking

Brahmagiri Trek

The region of Coorg is marked by innumerable peaks and unpaved terrains. Brahmagiri Peak is one of the highest peaks of Coorg and is ideal for trekkers to explore the wilderness of the region. The trek is often recommended for experienced trekkers as it involves walking for long stretches, rocky climbs and navigating through some rough terrains. But do not let the challenge deter your spirit of adventure - the view from the top of Brahmagiri Hills will definitely make the strenuous trek worth your while. The trek also involves camping overnight in forest clearings and provides the perfect opportunity to spot wildlife.

Bonfires, great company and a panoramic view of Kodagu is promised to you during your trek to the glorious Brahmagiri Hills. Trekking in coorg in one of the soulful experience that one can have during their blissful stay.


amanvana microlight flying

Microlight Flying

If a dream of flying over green hills is on top of your bucket list, then it is time to make that successful tick! For the region of Coorg offers a unique adventure experience in the form of Microlight Flying. This exciting adventure sport is gradually turning into one of the most sought after adventure sports in Coorg and is a favorite amongst tourists and adventure junkies. The light gliders are known for their great speeds and can reach heights of up to 5000 feet. Microlight flying is also the ideal way to capture a panoramic view of Coorg and lets you experience the true beauty of the region.

Head to Ponnampet camp and sign up for a 10-minute ride in the clouds and watch you dream of flying unfold before your very eyes.


Coorg provides a fulfilling travel experience and ensures your itinerary is never empty. A day spent chasing adventure is bound to tire you, and Amanvana Spa – Luxury Resort in Coorg provides the perfect rejuvenating experience. Head here to unwind after a long day of physical activity and indulge in some much-needed pampering at the beautiful Coorg Resort.